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Wunderkind Webinars
Wunderkind hosts thought leaders and clients alike in our webinar series. Browse some of the most important topics for brand marketers from our catalog.
Wunderkind is the leading AI-driven performance marketing solution that collects consent based, first-party data and identifies anonymous traffic for brands in order to scale hyper
personalized one-to-one messages. Brands lean on the Wunderkind Identity Network,
a proprietary database recognizing 9 billion devices, 1 billion opted-in consumers and
observes 2 trillion digital transactions per year, to trigger the most impactful offers to
their target audience at the right moment and in the right channel. This proprietary data is
accessed by Wunderkind’s Autonomous Marketing Platform, and AI engine which integrates seamlessly into a brands’ existing ESP to boost performance across email, text and advertising channels. Wunderkind is the only performance solution that guarantees a lift in revenue for its clients and delivers over $5 billion in directly attributable revenue annually for brands across a
number of industries, often ranking as a top 3 revenue channel in clients’ own analytics
platforms. Brands such as Harley-Davidson, Perry Ellis and Shoe Carnival partner with
Wunderkind to drive top-line revenue through its guaranteed results