Meet Wende Zomnir, co-founder of groundbreaking makeup company Urban Decay and founder of caliray, a makeup brand made of clean formulas, dirty minds, and sexy sustainability . You'll be captivated by Wende's rollercoaster journey from her Texas roots and European upbringing, to establishing herself as a marketing maven in Chicago and eventually revolutionizing the beauty industry by challenging the status quo with Urban Decay. Get ready for Wende's unique insights on transitioning from founder to entrepreneur and how limited resources can actually fuel innovative thinking. Be prepared to question the role of AI in content creation – could it potentially strip brands of their soul and purpose? Wende doesn't shy away from these tough questions, always keeping sight of the importance of strategic partnerships and influencers in making a brand part of the cultural zeitgeist. For all aspiring brand marketers out there, Wende's approach to brand partnerships and influencers is a masterclass in itself, with Urban Decay and caliray as case studies of success. From her inaugural celebrity partnership with Gwen Stefani to a diverse array of influencers for caliray, Wende spotlights how quality, individuality, and inclusivity can be powerful marketing tools. And for those seeking personal insights, Wende shares about her consultation services - a treasure trove of makeup lessons and branding advice. So, lend your ears to this riveting chat with Wende Zomnir, a true titan in the realm of brand marketing.